Post-it Note your way to achievement

This is a great little hack from Jeffrey Gitomer in his excellent book – “Sales Bible – The Ultimate Sales Resource”.  Page 46.

This is a great hack for setting and achieving goals. Often people have many goals, they may even write them down before they get filed away – maybe in the draw or under a stack of work.

Jeffrey’s goal method takes it a step further.

To give you the gist.

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You need Post-It notes, a bathroom mirror, a bedroom mirror, and a pen.


1 Write your prime goals on Post-It notes.

2 Write down the smaller secondary goals on Post-It notes.

3. Put them in front of your face on the bathroom mirror – so you see them at least twice a day.

4. Say them aloud each time you see them – by looking and saying them you get double affirmation.

5. You’ll now look at them until you are sick of looking at them and take action.

6. Now the best part. Once you achieve your goal move the Post-It note triumphantly from the bathroom to the bedroom mirror. So now as you check out “how you look for the day” you will see your successes and it will set the tone for the day.

Then by the time you have filled your bedroom mirror with Post-Its, you will be able to afford a bigger mirror -and house to put it in!


This is just one of many tips from Jeffrey Gitomer’s excellent book – “Sales Bible – The Ultimate Sales Resource”. And you can check out the full version of this hack on page 46.

Katrina Jones – Propery Rental / Online Courses

Absolutely incredible! ... THANK YOU JULIAN. Total expert.…

Katrina Jones - Owner of Kendall Bailey


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