Just been updating my Keap / Infusionsoft Marketplace listing with this 5 star client video review

One of my goals this year is to build my skills and experience in creating video content.

Here is my latest production which I have just posted to my Keap / Infusionsoft Marketplace listing.

Celia (www.thewellbeingfarm.co.uk) is a client I have been working with for just a year now (despite what Celia says on the video). Together we have achieved some remarkable results for her business that she talks about. 
If you are looking for help with Keap / Infusionsoft marketing then please get in touch. Simply schedule a call at a mutually convenient time. Click this link http://www.meetme.so/JulianMills


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Keap / Infusionsoft marketplace listing


Maurice Ting – Manufacturer

I would definitely recommend anyone to contact Julian for Keap / Infusionsoft implementation…

Maurice Ting - Tinguza

