I have just been integrating ScoreApp with Keap / Infusionsoft for a client

scoreapp keap infusionsoftI have been working on a ScoreApp and Keap / Infusionsoft integration for a client. ScoreApp is gaining popularity with marketers who are looking to proactively engage with potential customers. During the 2022 Keap Partner conference Ryan Deiss from DigitalMarketer (and Keap / Infusionsoft user himself) was explaining how he uses ScoreApp in his business to move leads down the sales pipeline.

As an example, when a visitor comes to your website you can engage with them and ask them a series of questions, you can even make it appear as a quizz. And then we can immediately engage with them with a report that contains a customised response based on the answers they gave during the questionnaire ( Ryan says calling it an Assessment gets a better uptake as it looks less like “work” to compelte). The data that is captured is then pushed into Keap / Infusionsoft and your planned marketing and sales automation can commence.

If you would like to discuss integrating ScoreApp with Keap / Infusionsoft for your business then feel free to get in touch. Schedule a Discovery call here.


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Geoff Molyneux – Exhibition Sales

Keap / Infusionsoft has been a game-changer for me and the business.…

Geoff Molyneux - Shout Exhibitions Lancashire, Manchester, Merseyside

