Direct mail automation can help solve your GDPR compliance issues

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) imposes much stricter rules on the use consumer data. This has forced businesses to change the way they collect and use data.

The rules are tightening up not just in Europe, but all over the world so even if you do not market to European consumers, like it or not you may soon have to adjust your marketing campaigns to comply with new laws.

GDPR compliance has had a huge impact on direct marketing effort, especially phone and email marketing. But the good news is that it is easier to be compliant under GDPR with direct mail than with marketing by phone and email. As a result direct mail can solve many of the issues companies face with complying with GDPR.

To be GDPR compliant your direct marketing must meet one of several standards, including consent and legitimate interest. Direct mail is likely to meet the legitimate interest standard as long as the company has a considered and documented reason for the need to contact the recipient, according to the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK).

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So how can you use direct mail to your advantage in achieving GDPR compliance? For starters you can automate your direct mail marketing to engage consumers who have not previously consented to marketing. In our direct mail we can direct consumers to online opt-in pages or we can drive them to opt into telephone marketing by the creative use of text (SMS) marketing automation.

This of course is reliant on you having a sophisticated marketing automation system that enables you to not only automate email marketing, but also direct mail automation and text marketing automation.

Direct mail automation can not only solve the GDPR issue with consumer data opt-ins and subsequent marketing, but also opens up exciting marketing opportunities that your competitors are most likely overlooking.

Keap / Infusionsoft is an ideal marketing automation platform for small and medium sized companies. It can conduct marketing automation with direct mail and text marketing that competing platforms just cannot match.

To learn more about how Keap / Infusionsoft marketing automation could benefit your company please book an initial short 15 minute Discovery call.

direct mail automation gdpr



Julian Mills.

Bjorn Meisner – Portrait Photography

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