What causes Confusionsoft and what is the cure?

Ever felt like this guy!

Confusionsoft! If I had a £ (or $) for every time a frustrated Keap / Infusionsoft client finds me on Google and within the first minute of the call they wryly mention ‘Confusionsoft’.

From my experience, these are the main factors why Keap / Infusionsoft clients can suffer from Confusionsoft.

1 The business is not ready for Keap / Infusionsoft. Your business has to have reached a point in its growth to really benefit from Keap / Infusionsoft. I often advise potential clients who want to buy Keap / Infusionsoft that their business has yet to reach a point where they can justify taking on Keap / Infusionsoft. Other times I decline to work with potential clients looking for help who have already bought Keap / Infusionsoft elsewhere because I can see that their business has yet to grow to a point to justify using Keap / Infusionsoft.

The same applies for startups too. Keap / Infusionsoft cannot magic up interest in your products and services. If you do not have enough prospects being attracted to your business then you can have the best set up Keap / Infusionsoft campaigns and they will do nothing. I liken Keap / Infusionsoft to an engine, but without fuel, nothing will happen.

2 Lack of plan and/or systems in the business. Do you have a master plan document for your marketing or is it ‘all in your head’. Do you have any systems set up to enables staff to know precisely what to do and when? If you are not sure what exactly is going on then it is very difficult to set up Keap / Infusionsoft in the right way to deliver results. Combine that with trying to learn how to use Keap / Infusionsoft and it is very difficult to do all this on your own. You need to find a professional who not only knows Keap / Infusionsoft ‘inside out’ but who has worked with many other small businesses and has guided them through the process to first strategically plan out the marketing and then implementing it within Keap / Infusionsoft.

3 Initial training. Your initial induction (or ‘onboarding’) into the Keap / Infusionsoft world is critical. Keap / Infusionsoft is a sophisticated bit of kit with a steep learning curve. Keap / Infusionsoft is not like simple autoresponder systems like Aweber, MailChimp, Constant Contact et al. Unless you have experience of other advanced CRM / Automation Systems then you are likely to find Keap / Infusionsoft has a very steep learning curve to overcome.

Solution. Before taking on Keap / Infusionsoft be aware that you need suitable training and mentoring at the outset. Clients often baulk at having to pay for training after they have been used to mastering the less sophisticated email sending platforms.

Choose carefully where you purchase Keap / Infusionsoft from. Firstly price is very important, think about not just the initial training but the cost of additional help later one. As with any supplier be sure you feel comfortable and confident that you can work with them not just for the initial training, but for the longer term when they become your Keap / Infusionsoft ‘go to guy’. Ensure the style of training suits your learning style. Each reseller has different training methods  -from remote phone calls to classroom training to one to one onsite training.

4 Time. Clients often believe that Keap / Infusionsoft can be a quick fix. It certainly can have amazing results, but not if you are just starting out and learning Keap / Infusionsoft ‘on the job’. It does take time and effort to become an Keap / Infusionsoft master. Like with most things in life if you are not prepared to put in the effort then you will be sorely disappointed. Don’t be expecting Keap / Infusionsoft to be an overnight ‘magic bullet’ for your business.

5 Inadequate handovers between staff. As we all know staff move on for whatever reason. So you often see Keap / Infusionsoft get handed from one staff member to another – Chinese whispers style. It is often assumed that the existing member of staff can train up the Keap / Infusionsoft newbie -why bother to pay for more training? This is a false economy and often leads to problems further down the line.

Solution. Ensure staff have adequate training from an Keap / Infusionsoft expert. Even better, regular catch up sessions with the professional who originally helped you get started with Keap / Infusionsoft and knows your business ensures consistent support that can bridge the times when a key member of staff leaves.


OK, so what do you do if you are already an Keap / Infusionsoft client who goes around calling it ‘Confusionsoft’. And you are considering giving up. Well, you probably took the first step of looking on Google for help and found this blog post. What I suggest is that you need to get your own Keap / Infusionsoft ‘go-to guy’ who can help you overcome points 2,3,4 or 5 above, and strangely enough, that is exactly what I specialise in (check out some testimonials here).

So if you are in a state of Confusionsoft and ready to give Keap / Infusionsoft just one more go then get in touch and lets see if we can fix this for you. Request a free no obligation Discovery Call consultation where I will give you my honest diagnosis on your case of Confusionsoft.






P.S. Here are a few more office rage videos. (Note: not caused by Confusionsoft 🙂

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