The Benefits of Automation for Small Businesses

Check out the video below by Derek Harju from Keap / Infusionsoft by Keap on The Benefits of Automation for Small Business.



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Derek Harju
Today we’ll be diving into benefits of automation for small businesses. I’m Derek Harju from Keap / Infusionsoft by and today we’ll be talking about the benefits of marketing automation for small businesses. The first benefit is that it saves time. Perhaps the most significant benefit of automation is the ability to free up time for small businesses and their teams, more than 40% of workers surveyed spend at least a quarter of their work week on manual repetitive tasks with email data collection and data entry occupying most of their time . Effectively the average small business employee doesn’t get to do any meaningful work until Wednesday every week. By implementing some basic marketing automations like data capture and email triggers your team can reclaim Mondays and Tuesdays for important work.

Derek Harju
Lead scoring is the act of applying a score to a lead. If you have a small business you are hopefully accumulating leads, but which leads are most pressing. Repeatedly trying to engage with a lead that doesn’t want to hear from you is a waste of time and irritating for everyone involved. You can determine which leads have enough engagement with your brand to be qualified to move on to communication with the sales team as your funnel grows your lead scoring needs to be ready to scale as well. As you attract bigger clients you need to make sure that your sales team is set up to give the most attention to the most important leads, automated lead scoring does just that and ensures greater success.

Derek Harju
70% of customers rate their buying experience not only by the value of the product, but by how they felt they were being treated during the purchase process, you can provide the best product on Earth, but you might still get a bad review if the client feels like they’re being treated poorly. When your customer service team is liberated from menial tasks, it allows them to really work on behalf of the customer providing a patient, thoughtfull experience and addressing their needs in a way that makes them feel respected and important.

Derek Harju
Did you know 80% of leads require as many as five follow-ups to close the deal. Yes, sales reps are so burdened by mundane tasks, but they’re left with only enough time for one follow up at best under ideal circumstances, resulting in lost leads and lost revenue, the right marketing automation system can not only remind your team about these follow-ups, but can even complete them without your intervention at all, allowing the leads to be closed when you’re not even engaged. Thanks for joining us and learning about the benefits of automation for small businesses.


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