Customer Service Software – Fusedesk and Keap / Infusionsoft integrate to create a powerful system

customer service software fusedesk infusionsoftAre you looking for a customer service software for your small to medium-size enterprise? Maybe your customer service is currently run out of spreadsheets, Outlook (Office 365) or Gsuite.

When you are starting out then this may have been sufficient, but as soon as you start to scale the business then keeping track of customer cases via Outlook is just not going to cut it and drive your staff mad trying to keep up with customer enquiries.

Now, there are lots of customer service software systems out there. So you could just subscribe to another piece of software to provide a customer support centre. But then you have added another piece of software to your “technology stack” and the chances are that it does not talk to your CRM system and only add to “multi system chaos“.

If you are already an Keap / Infusionsoft user then you know the power of the CRM and marketing automation functions. We have all the data and can do the sales and marketing BUT Keap / Infusionsoft is not a dedicated customer service system and does not give your customer service team a ticketing system that enables them to create tickets either automatically via web enquires or manually via inbound telephone calls. And then for the team to be able to manage these “tickets” easily and efficiently through to a successful outcome.

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And this is where Fusedesk comes in. Fusedesk gives your customer service team a powerful system to manage the stream of customer queries that come in each and every day –  where is my product? my item is faulty, how do I do this etc etc. And at the same time it syncs with your Keap / Infusionsoft so you have a single complete picture of your sales, marketing and customer service.

To learn more about Fusedesk – the customer service software that integrates with Keap / Infusionsoft, click here

I have been working with clients to integrate Keap / Infusionsoft and Fusedesk and would be delighted to schedule a Discovery call to determine if Fusedesk would be the right customer service tool for your business.

customer service software

Catherine Tobin – Irish Creative Agency

We would highly recommend leveraging Julian's expertise for your busines…

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