Add video to emails in Keap / Infusionsoft Email Builder

A frequently asked question by newcomers to email marketings is can we add video to emails Keap / Infusionsoft Email Builder?

Now, as a rule you cannot. The reason being is that spam filters to not like when you have active scripts and such like that run automatically in the email client – it could be a bit of malicious software. So very sensibly the spam filters do not allow videos to play automatically.

However, the filters and email clients do allow emails with images embedded to be opened within the email client. So if we use that animated image we can create the illusion of an embedded video. The only draw backs are  – firstly, there is no sound and secondly the image will only “play” if the local email client settings allow it.

So on the first issue regarding no sound – this could be overcome creatively by using written boards or captions with your call to action.

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As to the second issue regarding the local email client settings possibly not allowing the automatic download of the image – well there is no answer to this and this issue affects any email sent to the contact.

I found a free site that automatically converts a short video into an animated gif image that you can embed in emails you create in then Keap / Infusionsoft Email Builder.

Here’s a very quick test of a short video I created on the iPhone and converted to an animated GIF.



Here is the link to the free site to convert videos to animated GIFs  Click here

What to take your email marketing to the next level. Why not schedule a 15 minute Keap / Infusionsoft discovery call to learn more about how I could help you,


Michael Skirving – Catering

We met Julian at an EC Conference and were impressed…

Michael Skirving - EaT Cuisine Group

