Have you read ‘They Ask You Answer’ by Marcus Sheridan ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Knowledge Centre they ask you answer

Have you had a chance to read “They Ask, You Answer” by Marcus Sheridan yet?

If you are conducting marketing for a small business then this is a must-read for you!

This book provides a view of blogging, content marketing and SEO that non-techie, business owners can understand and implement. The book is full of real-life examples and Marcus uses the resurrection and growth of his struggling pool company during the 2008 recession as a powerful real-life case study.

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This book really resonates with me as I have found out these principles by trial and error myself over the last 10 years. At the end of the day, it is really practical commonsense stuff, but Marcus’s book formalises and adds the structure on how to generate traffic to your website- that is what I was lacking.

It is no surprise that this book is the cornerstone of the Knowledge Centre in Entrepreneurs Marketing System – Foundation Block 8.

I regularly recommend ‘They Ask You Answer‘ to my clients and they have all thanked me immensely for highlighting that they needed to get a copy, read it and then implement what this book teaches.

If you would like to discuss further how the “They Ask, You Answer” methodology could be applied in your business then I would be happy to have a short 15 minute call.

Paul Greig-Smith – Travel / Business Consultant

I highly recommend Julian. - He has been invaluable!…

Paul Greig-Smith Greig-Smith Travels


Get a free copy of my book - The Entrepreneurs Marketing System 

The Entrepreneurs Marketing System has been written by myself and Nigel Botterill and has taken the best part of 10 years to hone, refine and test and is the foundation of the Entrepreneurs Circle coaching system.

It gives SME business owners a proven step-by-step system to get and retain all the customers they'll ever need.... Rhythmically & consistently -  just like clockwork.

You'll need a deep understanding of the Entrepreneurs Marketing System if you are going to use it in your business and this is exactly what our new book provides. If you would like a copy you just pay the postage and packing.


What is Entrepreneurs Circle Coaching and how can it help you?

As an Entrepreneurs Circle coach, I work with small business owners to crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers, so that the business delivers the profits and drawings that you require. The Entrepreneurs Marketing System is fundamental to coaching and has been developed by the Entrepreneurs Circle over the past 10 years while successfully working with thousands of small business owners.

Interested? Request a full information pack to mull over with a brew.



