Keap / Infusionsoft Mobile Marketing Automation

Keap / Infusionsoft text marketing

Are you interested in the ability to add Keap / Infusionsoft mobile marketing to your automated Keap / Infusionsoft marketing system?

This is something I have been investing my time in recently, to work out the best solution. I last looked at Fix Your Funnel for mobile marketing a few years back and at that time it did not do what I wanted. But I was recently chatting with Ryan Chapman who owns Fix Your Funnel and he spent time walking me through what it can now do. And I was impressed.

So if you would like to integrate any of the following with Keap / Infusionsoft then I suggest you look at Fix Your Funnel.

1/ Capture leads from offline advertising via mobile and drop them into automated Keap / Infusionsoft marketing (there is a demo at the end and you can give my set up a test drive).

2/ To integrate outbound texts as part of an Keap / Infusionsoft campaign – integrated with emails, letters, outbound calls etc. Maybe you want to be able to send satisfaction survey invites out via text and take people instantly to a quick and easy mobile page to capture their responses (so avoid sending out emails that then takes them to web forms – all of which involves extra steps and takes time, so responses can be low).

3/ In any of the above have the ability for your team to “jump in” to the text conversation live at any point. Frank Kern increased his sales recently for a campaign by $1M when his team was able to follow up with the unconverted via live text conversations following an automated campaign.

So this is cool and very powerful and there are just so many use cases for this system. Above I have only scratched the surface as to what Fix Your Funnel can do.

Here is a very simple Keap / Infusionsoft mobile marketing demo that I have just set up so you can see it in action.

Just text the word ‘ infused ‘ to 0749 288 2859 and see for yourself.



infusionsoft mobile marketing

Philip Grindell – Online Bodgyguard

One of our best investments…

Philip Grindell - Defuse Global

