Keap / Infusionsoft HoneyPot campaign – free campaign to catch spam bot form submissions

Occasionally you may get a webform that gets targeted by a spambot and it will create a heap of rubbish contacts in your Keap / Infusionsoft. It not only fills up your database but it means you are sending out emails to non-existent addresses and this can impact on the deliverability of your emails with the likes of, Hotmail and Gmail as your sender reputation gets damaged.

So out of the box Keap / Infusionsoft forms are protected by the Google CAPTCHA. It’s the one that looks like this when you sometimes go to fill in a form online….


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Now this is great, in that it stops the spambot after it makes the first submission – we still have one spam contact added. And it seems to me that these spambots can switch IP addresss etc and so they can still fill up your database with rubbish contacts one by one.

This campaign solves the problem. You do not lose contacts due to extra steps and at the same time you can filter out the spam contacts.

Check out this video where I outline how this simple campaign works and avoids having to use the Keap / Infusionsoft CAPTCHA field.

Link to YouTube video:

Points to note:

How to get this campaign for your Keap / Infusionsoft application.

As a Certified Keap / Infusionsoft Partner and creator of this campaign, I will have to import this campaign directly into your Keap / Infusionsoft. I will have to log in as a partner on your Keap / Infusionsoft. I do not need to “use up” one of your user licences as I can go in as a Partner. To do this we have to arrange a short call where we can screen-share and I can install this campaign for you.

Click here to arrange a 15-minute Discovery call to install this campaign in your Keap / Infusionsoft.


Disclaimer: This campaign will not run “out of the box”, there is some configuration required on your part. It is important that you fully check and test the campaign before going live to ensure that it works as you intend. I accept no responsibility for any losses of damages incurred as a result of deploying this campaign.

alternative infusionsoft CAPTCHA




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